We specialise in providing you with support in different areas of your studies.
Whether you are aiming to save study time, avoid stress, boost your marks or get a head start on your future, Academic Group can provide you with tested-and-proven solutions that will help you achieve your goals.
We offer everything from exam preparation help to A+ study notes to weekly teacher support. Our wide range of programs and education resources will increase your confidence and maximise your results.

Subject Help
Get ahead in your subjects with the help of Academic Group Programs and Study Resources.
Our Programs and Study Resources are designed with your academic success in mind. They are results-based and are guaranteed to help you maximise your potential and achieve the results you deserve.
We also provide best-selling and trusted study resources that offer additional support for a variety of subjects. Our range of Study Guides, Revision Series, Textbooks and Exam Questions have helped thousands of students in achieving their desired marks.

Exam Help
We understand that exams can be daunting and we are convinced that they do not have to be.
We have specially designed programs to help you effectively prepare for your exams and will increase your confidence and understanding of your subjects. Our Exam Boost Seminars for Year 11 and 12 students are targetted for students looking for the best preparation possible for their exams.

Help to get top marks
We offer a wide range of programs and study resources to support top-achieving students. From revision to homework help to exam practice, we have everything high-flyers need to ensure you get the marks you desire.
We have WA’s top teachers to help you step up your game.

How to study better
Our Study Skills and Learning Skills courses will teach you the necessary steps and strategies to boost your results and reach your true potential.
You can learn how to study better by joining our Study Skills and Leaning Skills courses in our ATAR Holiday Revision or Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Skills Development Programs.