Exam Boost Workshops

Are you ready for your ATAR exams?

Interactive ATAR Exam Boost Workshops

Join our interactive Exam Boost Workshops and discover how to ace your ATAR exams. Receive guidance and advice from W.A.’s top ATAR teachers in key areas.

Academic Task Force Exam Boost Workshops are a popular choice for Year 11 and 12 students for subject-specific, targeted, exam preparation in the weeks leading up to exams.

In one day, our workshops pack in 6 hours of exam-focused teaching from a qualified WACE exam marker with the sole purpose of boosting students’ exam performance and ATAR scores.

Expert Teachers.  Exam Focus.  Interactive Seminar.  Excellent Value.

In the workshop, students will have access to the WACE exams and the marking guide, systematically working through the key areas in which students lose marks in their exams and common exam pitfalls. You will learn strategies for Mock and ATAR course exams, receive individual feedback on your exam answers and learn techniques you can use to boost your exam mark.

 Venues   Rossmoyne Senior High School
Churchlands Senior High School
Perth Modern School

5 Reasons to Enrol in Exam Boost Workshops

  • 1. Targeted exam preparation
  • 2. Strategies and problem solving techniques to boost your exam performance
  • 3. Insights into ATAR course marking guides and how to achieve top marks
  • 4. Extensive practise answering exam style questions and feedback on how to gain maximum marks
  • 5. Boost your confidence in preparation for ATAR exams

Course Fee :

  • Enrolment is by subject.
  • Only $220 (Per one-day, 6-hour workshop)

Exam Boost Workshops

One-day Exam Boost Workshops are held every Saturday and Sunday from Week 7 of Term 3 to Week 3 of Term 4. Each class is six hours.

Our Exam Boost Seminars will help increase your understanding in your ATAR courses. Your confidence will be boosted by the personalised attention and specific help from ATAR exam markers and expert teacher. Work through exam style questions and receive individual help from our exam specialist teachers.