Exam Writers

EOI Now Open for 2020 Exam Writers and Reviewers


Academic Group is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced subject specialist teachers who would like to be considered for exam writer or reviewer roles for 2019. Academic Group plans to produce Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 papers under the Academic Associates brand in the following subjects:

Human Biology
Politics and Law


How to Apply

  1. Contact Academic Group by emailing Megan Bagworth to receive further details of the requirements and guidelines.
  2. Complete the online expression of interest (link below). The form will require the following information:
  • Specify which examination papers you wish to be considered for
  • Why you should be chosen for the role.
  • Current teaching experience in the subject you are applying for
  • Other relevant experience (eg. WACE marking, previous exam marking or reviewing experience and other exam writing experience)
  • Professional development activities you have undertaken relevant to this area
  • Preference to work by yourself or in a pair.

Please contact Megan Bagworth for further information about the process and what is required. 


Click here to complete the online EOI form

